Permission to Pause
Mon 25th - Sun 31st Oct, 9-9:15pm Online
Do you find rest comes easily to you? Or does:
‘Just one more email…’
‘I’ll be able to really relax once I’ve…’
‘If I don’t do it right now then…’
Sound all too familiar?
Sadly an inability to rest and stay on high alert is a trauma response that keeps you in a perpetual feedback loop of stress.
You push yourself harder and harder, not allowing yourself to slow down for fear of the mounting emotions beneath the ‘busy’, or the belief your rest isn't a priority.
Being alone with ourselves can be confronting…really confronting, I get it.
Some days maybe unbearable.
But if you never slow down and allow yourself to feel you’ll be forced to slow down later through sickness or complete burn out.
And wouldn't it feel better to begin to develop a practical tool kit of ways to really feel at home in yourself?
If you can’t meet yourself on a deeper level, how can you expect to have harmonious relationships with anyone else?
Be it your family, partner, all starts with you.
Can you give yourself just 15 mins at the end of the day towards creating a more content future self?
Permission to Pause is an invitation to do just that - pause, rest, reflect and come home to yourself.
At 9pm GMT every evening from Monday 25th - Sun 31st Oct we’ll meet live on Zoom to dedicate just 15 minutes to your mental, physical and emotional well being.
The tools we'll use are gentle movement, meditation and breath.
Are you in?
This is a short but sweet and potent container for change.
It may not be glamorous, you won’t get a six pack, but what you may discover may be far, far more valuable than that…
To take part fill in your details here, opposite - you’ll receive your zoom link for each day, as well as a link to the recording if you miss the live.
I’d highly recommend prioritizing the live sessions if you can as the energy shared with others is even more magic.
If you have any questions feel free to check out this blog post with FAQ, or feel free to drop me an email.
I can't wait to spend this time with you.