It's been a tough time for human rights, globally, the past few years and indeed the past few weeks, when we look at what's currently happening in Gilead, I mean, America. It's a time old story of contraction and expansion, the brutalizing of beauty and freedom before a rising up and a resistance, a new mode to replace and dismantle systems of oppression.
Sisterhood, connection and community are even more vital in these times ~ isolation and separation breeds hate and animosity. Thus our recent gathering for summer solstice became all the more potent ~ a space for women to connect with each other from all ages and backgrounds, uniting around a central theme of celebration of the summer, shining a light on the past few months and setting intentions for the rest of the year to come.

Together we rested, meditated, moved, played, created, feasted, shared and connected with each other on all levels. We shared stillness with magical yin yoga and meditation, the sweet melodies of a sound bath, the heart opening qualities of a cacao ceremony and the emotional roller coaster and incredible journey that is Awakened Belly Dance.
Based in a gorgeous restored Orangery in Stafford, the space was a tranquil haven away from the every day, and gave us all an opportunity to let go of the many roles and masks we wear in the outside world, giving us chance simply to be and to play.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the emotion associated with the season of summer is joy. Intimately connected to the heart and our capacity to connect with ourselves and with others on a deeper level of compassion and beauty, holding space for this wonderful collection of women is a memory I'll cherish for quite some time to come. Women sharing space together is powerful medicine, made all the more potent when sharing special practices such as meditation, yoga and movement.

A massive thank you to everyone who co created such a magical day, including Vic of Wild Love Yoga and Wild Love photos who took all of these gorgeous captures, Sandra of Love All Ways Yoga and of course all of the wonderful women who had the courage and the will to join us. May the after effects of the day continue to ripple out into the rest of the year and our communities ~ sending so much love to you all.
To stay up to date with future magical gatherings for women (there will be a v special announcement in the next couple of months, those of you near Wolves!) make sure you're a part of my email community, who always get first details (and sweet little discounts) ~ to sign up visit my homepage and scroll down to 'Free Grounding Meditation'.