What a start to the year! We may be in lock down 3.0 but things are in full swing here at Wild Wolf Movement, with a flurry of activity in terms of online classes, courses, workshops & other offerings.
This week I had my first ever radio interview with Wolverhampton Community Radio station about chair yoga in Wolverhampton & beyond!
We spoke about the latest chair yoga session that we have up and running in conjunction with Wolves Social Prescribing which was born out of some voluntary chair yoga sessions I was facilitating initially with the Wolves LGBT+ Sparkle online meet up group last year.
The session is so popular it is now fully booked, but please do send me an email or a leave a comment below if you'd like to be added to the wait list.
If chair yoga is something that would be of benefit either to you or a group you work with don't hesitate to get in contact to find out how we could work together. Email me: wildwolfmovement@gmail.com
