We tend to spend a lot of time in our modern yoga practice on the mat practicing asana, but like anything we do often we can learn to do it on autopilot without paying too much attention.
Have you ever wondered exactly how a certain pose was meant to feel, or about a certain transition that you can never quite get your head around in class? This is a two hour asana clinic style workshop which can help you answer those questions!

Yoga On The Mat ~ Asana Workshop, Fri 4th Feb, 6.30-8.30pm,Bradmore Community Centre
Looking at the basics for alignment and then how to adapt the pose for your body (it will always be slightly different for everyone) we'll explore: ~ The foundations of yoga asana (poses) ~ Breathing & bandhas (energetic locks) ~ The different types of Surya Namaskar or sun salutations ~ Foundational sitting poses & standing poses ~ Principles of forward folds, back bending & twists Among others! There will be plenty of time for questions & adjustments (if desired). This is suitable for both beginners and more intermediate level students wishing to deepen their practice - complete beginners welcome. Fancy coming to both the Yoga Off the Mat & Yoga On the Mat workshops? Email Marie (wildwolfmovement@gmail.com) for a sweet little £5 off entry to both - both workshops for just £20 each.