13 Moons: Ancient
Wisdom for Modern Living
Ready to really start living? To pull up a chair at the hearth of your being and tend to all parts of yourself, claiming your dreams + desires unapologetically?
Gone are the days of playing small, of resisting change and staying stuck.
Journey with us over 13 moons as we dance with the ancient wisdom of the seasons + cycles of the earth, the cosmos, the stars and reconnect
with the untamed wild of our inner landscapes.
Revitalise your shakti or inner essence, life force, and welcome the spark of life back into your eyes, the air in your lungs, the fire in your belly, the song in your heart and the
earth beneath your feet. Embrace the sacred ingredients to this offering...

Come home to your body with live guided yoga sessions for each zodiac season and an awakened belly dance session for every festival of the Celtic wheel of the year, starting with Spring Equinox.

Ceremony + Magic
Gather live for each new moon to work with the lunar energies for the coming month as well as weaving ritual and intention into your everyday and way of being.

Connect with like minded soul tribe to travel with you and become part of your wider support network on this wild journey called life.

This is for you if:
✨ You long to reclaim + embody your inner wild woman
✨ You want to hone your intuition + inner knowing to act as your compass because you're tired of seeking the answers to your heart's desires outside of yourself
✨You know there is more to life than the 3D realm that meets the eyes...
✨You'd like to cultivate your energy regularly to nourish every part of your life + live in a greater state of flow, ease, vibrancy + spaciousness
✨You wish to reconnect with a sense of joy, awe, wonder beyond the drudgery of the everyday
✨ You're longing to ground your dreams into reality instead of letting them collect dust
✨You adore learning about tarot, astrology, seasonal living
✨ You've been yearning for your soul tribe to travel with you on your journey home
13 Moons is a closed, intimate container for up to 13 sisters.
We'll meet live around every:

New Moon
For a new moon ceremony working with the energies of the current lunation eg the first gathering will be new moon in Pisces.
There will be different elements in each like meditation, movement, play, journaling, journeying, but always the common thread of sharing within the group & exploring the themes of the new moon for the upcoming lunar month.
Zodiac Season
At the beginning of the season to share a live Yin/Yang yoga flow embodying the energy of the season: eg the first live session in March will be Aries inspired.
Starting with a fluid yet accessible vinyasa inspired practice, we'll then luxuriate in some longer yin holds, anchoring into the wisdom our physical bodies hold.
Part of the Wheel of The Year
The Celtic wheel of the year is divided into 8 festivals or celebrations that denote the seasons and cycles of the outer world.
We'll gather for each and share a ceremony honouring the festival inc awakened belly dance ~ starting with the root chakra for Spring Equinox in March + making our way through each to activate, heal + balance them.
Each session will be between 90-120mins + recorded, available for replay throughout the year

Tarot + Astrology Elements
As well as all this you'll also receive monthly emails with resources to guide you through the lens of astrology + tarot, leaning into the wisdom of the whole of the cosmos.
You'll also have access to 4 live Seasonal Sessions for Spring, Summer, Autumn + Winter, focusing on working with the correlating energies of the season through an astro/tarot lens with guest speakers.
🌱 Spring ~ Guest astrologer talk
🌻 Summer ~ Guest tarot reader talk
🍁 Autumn ~ Guest astrologer talk
❄️ Winter ~ Guest tarot reader talk

In essence, 13 Moons is...
A nurturing, year long container where you can nourish your whole being, creating space for yourself to thrive monthly, the effects rippling out into all areas of your life.
There will be 2-4 live calls per month depending on the rhythm of the cycles.
By joining you will have access to:
🌑 13 Live New Moon Gatherings to anchor + set intentions into motion
☯️ 12 Live Zodiac themed Yin/Yang Yoga sessions to tend to your body
💌 12 Emails ~ one for each Zodiac season sharing resources + guidance
🌿 8 Live Ceremonies for the Celtic Wheel of the year to reconnect with the ancient pagan festivals ~ inc awakened belly dance to enliven your spirit + vibrancy
🌟 4 Live Seasonal Sessions incorporating cyclical living wisdom + guidance through the lens of tarot and astrology
🌹 A private IG group to connect + communicate with the other sisters in the group
🦋 A sweet lil discount on in person Wild Woman events in 2024 plus access to Marie's private calendar to book one off sessions (at an additional cost) if desired
Key Dates ~ First 6 Months (Next 6 released in May)

🌑 Sun 10th March 6-7:30pm / New Moon in Pisces Circle
🌿 Weds 20th March 7:45-9:45pm / Spring Equinox
ceremony w AWBD ~ root chakra
☯️ Weds 27th March, 7:45-9:15pm / Aries Yin + Yang Yoga
🌟Sun 24th March, 4:30-6pm / Spring Astro call
🌑 Sun 7th April, 6-7:30pm / New Moon in Aries Circle
☯️ Weds 24th April, 7:45-9:15pm / Taurus Yin + Yang Yoga
🌑 Weds 8th May, 8-9:30pm / New Moon in Taurus Circle
☯️ Weds 22nd May, 7:45-9:15pm / Gemini Yin + Yang Yoga
🌿 Weds 1st May, 7:45-9:45pm / Beltane ceremony
w AWBD ~ sacral chakra
🌑 Weds 5th June, 8-9:30pm / New Moon in Gemini Circle
☯️ Weds 26th June, 7:45-9:15pm / Cancer Yin + Yang Yoga
🌿 Weds 19th June, 7:45-9:45pm / Summer Solstice ceremony w AWBD ~ solar plexus chakra
🌟 Weds 26th June / Summer Tarot call tbc
🌑 Fri 5th July, 8-9:30pm / New Moon in Cancer Circle
☯️ Weds 24th July, 7:45-9:15pm / Leo Yin + Yang Yoga
🌿 Weds 31st July, 7:45-9:45pm Lammas ceremony
w AWBD ~ throat chakra
🌑 Sun 4th August, 6-7:30pm / New Moon in Leo Circle
☯️ Weds 28th August, 7:45-9:15pm / Virgo Yin + Yang Yoga

🌟 How long is the program? 🌟
One whole year ~ there are 13 moons in the calendar year ~ 13 was once revered not feared as the number of the Goddess and we will luxuriate in the spaciousness and joy of being able to travel through all seasons together. We begin with the new moon on 10th March 2024 & end before the new moon in March 2025.
🌟 When are the live sessions? 🌟
All of the dates of the live sessions for the first 6 months are listed in the key dates section above. The dates for the second 6 months will be shared in May and follow the same kind of pattern ~ new moon days moving and zodiac yoga sessions & wheel of the year celebrations generally on Wednesdays.
🌟 What if I can't make all of the live sessions? 🌟
All live sessions (hosted on zoom) will be recorded and then uploaded, ready for replay within 24hrs. You will have access to the recordings for the duration of the course.
🌟 Can I join for less than 12 months? 🌟
No, this is a closed container with the same group of people throughout to foster a greater sense of intimacy and safety within the group and learn and grow together. I appreciate commitment can be uncomfortable, but transformation usually is...
If you have not worked with me previously + want to get a flavour of the offering you can access the recordings from Homecoming, which is like a mini, free taster version of 13 Moons by emailing Marie: wildwolfmovement@gmail.com
🌟 Who is this for? 🌟
Sisters aged 16+. Unfortunately this is not suitable for pregnant folk due to the nature of physical activities included (& my lack of pre natal training).
🌟 What will I learn? 🌟
This is more an experiential program for those wanting to cultivate their inner knowing and fine tune their innate wisdom. Included in this process will be threads of learning about and embodying cyclical living ~ seasonal, lunar, menstrual, pagan, the soul medicine of tarot and astrology, plus energetic work activating and balancing the chakras and nadis through embodied practices of yoga + awakened belly dance, pranayam & more!
🌟 How do I book? 🌟
You can sign up by choosing to opt in for monthly recurring payments over 12 months or enjoy a discount when you book with one upfront payment. Click on the buttons to be directed to the secure Stripe payment page. You will receive an email confirmation on booking + an orientation email at the beginning of March.
Terms + Conditions: By signing up for the monthly payment option you agree to 12 monthly payments as specified at check out. Refunds are not endorsed. Early withdrawal from the payment plan will result in a fee of 50% of the remaining monthly payments owed.
Anything else? Feel Free to drop Marie an email: wildwolfmovement@gmail.com

About Your Guide
Forever trying to surrender to/ dance with the flow of life instead of resist it (or get seduced by binaries/extremes #capsun), Marie is curious and intense by nature + has spent years living, learning and loving around the globe in a bid to discover + embody different ways of being.
Continually in a process of re-wilding, rediscovering + reclaiming all parts of her being she is passionate about guiding others to do the same, using embodiment, magic + community as the vital ingredients.
She has 7 years experience as a facilitator + many more as a nomadic, inquisitive character with a penchant for transformation #scorpiomoon. Her love languages include touch + making you memorable playlists.